Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ridge Church Value #1: Truth

As I mentioned in my last post, this week we will begin to share Ridge Church's values with you. Values are some of the most important things look for when you check out a church. There are so many churches out there, with so many programs and so many styles of worship, preaching, and teaching. But values are the things that really drive the leadership of a church (or any organization for that matter).

Aubrey Malphurs (who is a seminary professor and also works as a consultant to help churches with issues) wrote a book called "Planting Growing Churches." It's like a textbook on starting new churches. He defines a new church's values as "constant, passionate, biblical core beliefs that drive its ministry." I like this definition.

Ridge Church's first value is "Truth." Here's what we have to say about Truth:

"We believe that truth is found in the Bible. This truth (the Gospel) leads to new spiritual life in Christ and fulfillment in daily living; the Bible's truth must be taught honestly, effectively, and practically by the leaders of the church so that those who hear it can apply it to their lives."

One thing to note is that we have a firm belief in the validity and relevance of the Bible. We really do believe it is God's Word to people, and it's the most important information that's ever been communicated. This belief will guide us in all of Ridge Church's future paths.

There are several verses in the Bible that support our value of Truth. Check out these: John 1, John 14:6, 2 Timothy 3:16-17.


cwebb said...

Questions on the Truth of the Bible
1. Where Adam and Eve real people?

2. Did a Snake talk to Eve?

3. Where did Cain get his Wife?

4. Was the Universe created in six 24hr days?

5. Was the Flood in Genesis a literal Global Flood?

6. Was the Ark that Noah built real and did He actually have all the land animals on it?

7. Did Dinos and Man walk together?

8. Where Adam and Eve the only people God created?

9. How old is the Universe according to the Bible?

10. Is the Story of Adam and Eve real?

11. Is the Story of Jonah and thw big Fish real?

12. Is Jesus the only begotten Son of God?

13. If I have a different Religion will I go to Heaven?

14. Did Jesus really die on the Cross?

15. Did Jesus really rise from the grave on the third day?

16. Is believing in Jesus the only way to go to Heaven?

17. Is there a Hell?

18. Why would a loving God let you go to Hell?

19. Why do I need Jesus?

20. Why do you believe in Jesus?

21. If Adam and Eve where the first people than where did all the different Races come from?

Kevin said...

Hey! This are great questions. My challenge to you would be a couple of things:

1. Do you have a Bible? If so, try reading about Adam and Eve in Genesis, and working through the questions you have using that. I believe that the Bible is God's Word, and that's where what I believe comes from. It's a faith situation.

If you don't have a Bible, I would suggest going to and checking out your questions there. There's some great stuff on that website, and many Bible translations. I suggest the English Standard Version... My favorite.

2. Email or call a local pastor in your town. I'm sure they'd love to answer your questions... But these kind of important things are best chatted about in person. Some of the questions you're asking, like #4, have several answers, all from people who have great faith in God and believe the Bible. So, I would encourage you to meet a local pastor and ask these great questions. Many of these questions are mysterious, like #9, while others are crucial, spiritual life or death questions... So, please make sure to find solid answers!


cwebb said...

I do have a Bible and I have formed my own opnion as to the answers to my questions. What I am curious is your thoughts on the questions how do you interpret the answers.

As to the #4 having multiple answers does that mean there are multiple Truths or is there only one Truth?

As to question #9 what impact would this have on the Bible and the meaning of being a Christian if the Universe is Young or if the Universe is Old?

I am curious as to your answers to these questions, not what others have to say at this time. If you do not wish to answer these questions in public I understand as these questions have cause a lot of problems in the public arena. If you would rather email them to me just let me know.

Kevin said...

Hey, I appreciate that you have a Bible and have developed your own answers to these questions... If I offended you I apologize. I did not intend that. Usually when people ask me those questions, they do not yet have an biblically-driven answers already developed.

As far as a theological discussion here online, I'm going to decline your offer. I am no PhD or ThD theology guy, and I'm sure there are much smarter guys out there who've written books that have much better opinions than mine.

If you are considering attending our church or you live in Knoxville, let me know and maybe we can chat about that list you've got. Otherwise, I am just not the best guy to engage with you on those topics, I believe.

Have a great Christmas!