Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Of financial crises and daily life...

This has been a weird last week or so... Banks failing and people losing their homes. Accusations of lying, stealing, and corruption at the highest levels of corporations and government. Inflation (or maybe deflation), oil prices, lending rates, lack of liquidity in lending, debt, and repossession.

So much stuff is going on that it's hard to get your hands around the problem to figure out what to do about it. Such is the way things go when money becomes a problem.

Maybe the only good thing in all this is that we have some simple principles from God that we can follow to help us with how we deal with money.

In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, God speaks about the evil of corruption (Proverbs 15:27) and the dangers of chasing after wealth. (1 Timothy 6:9-10)

In a crucial discussion of wealth and money, Jesus told us about the importance of spiritual wealth and the shortcomings of greed and material wealth. (Luke 12:13-21) He then goes on to share about how much God loves us and how we don't need to worry about material things... There are more important things for us to be concerned with, like following God. (Luke 12:22-31)

The Bible has much more to say about money, stewardship, giving, and everything about living life in a way that is both enjoyable and brings honor to Him.

For more info at a great website, check out Crown Financial Ministries. It's a great place to start exploring ways God can give you financial peace and contentment, and take away worry and concern!


Anonymous said...


Thank you for the link to Crown Financial Ministries!

BTW, great post!

Lee @ Crown

Kevin said...

Thanks, Lee! I appreciate that. Crown is awesome, and has helped many people I know.

Once we are meeting weekly as a church, you better believe we'll be using your material.

Have a great one!