Sunday, December 28, 2008


Hey, everybody! Long time, no post. I apologize for my absence... It's been a wild ride these last 7 weeks since our daughter was born on November 7.

A little update: Chloe is fine, finally putting on some weight. She's still a little thing, but healthier and getting happier. Her trip home from the hospital was followed by an eye infection, major gas issues, and then acid reflux. We've had two different eye medications, changed formulas, found out the value of those gas drops everyone uses, experienced projectile vomiting, and received a prescription for her acid reflux. Now, she's kinda colicky! But, things are improving for Chloe.

Mom is doing well, too, but she's had her own issues. Emily had a nasty case of mastitis (mentioned in a previous post) and finally started getting over that, only to have some serious bleeding the week before Thanksgiving. We spent an afternoon in the Emergency Room at Ft. Sanders Hospital downtown, where Chloe was born. In the end, they chalked up Emily's issues to "abnormal bleeding" and sent her home. She has a prescription for iron supplement pills since she lost to much blood through all of that.

Finally, right after all that fun stuff, the holiday rush started at the HoneyBaked Ham Store, where I've been working a seasonal job since August selling hams and turkeys to business customers. Things just died down the day after Christmas, but boy is that place wild from the week before Thanksgiving to the day after Christmas! I worked 34 hours on my feet, "slinging hams" outside in the cold from December 22 through 24. I was a tired puppy after that.

Throw in all the visits of family and friends, having some issues with our former mission organization, and a few other surprises, and we are all three worn out. But, that's how life goes sometimes! There are seasons of rest and seasons of business. Hopefully we are entering a season of rest for a bit!

Just wanted to let you know what's been going on with us. I hope your holiday season has been great, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, and you have a great and safe New Year. There's some great Ridge Church stuff coming up after January 1, including opportunities to be involved in our new small group gatherings and Sunday large-group gatherings... So, be ready for more info soon!

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