Monday, January 26, 2009

Thanks to some special people!

This Sunday our Ridge Church gathering was a blast! I have to admit I was a little nervous about how things would go. We had several new things going on, and they were all important things that we were praying would go well. And they did! Our children's ministry's first week, our first musical and financial worship time (we had an offering) and our first interview with the first local missionary that we are supporting went great! It was a great week in general.

I want to thank a few people who helped make Sunday what it was. Obviously, we want to thank God for heading up this whole enterprise! It's also important that we thank the people who serve well at our church. Not because we want to puff anyone up with pride, but because we want to encourage those who humbly serve to continue to do so, and also encourage those who aren't serving to do so for God's glory.

There are a ton of Bible verses about serving others and the proper healthy interdependence of the people who are the church. 1 Peter 4:10-11 says, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

Just because I'm the "Lead Pastor" doesn't mean I'm any more important or valuable to The Ridge than any other person who calls our young church body home. We are all valuable in God's plan for the local church, we all need each other, and we all benefit from serving each other in our areas of gifting and expertise.

That said, I want to thank a few folks who served humbly and well as a way to honor God this week. First, my wife Emily, who is a great administrator and does a ton of stuff I stink at! She also sang as part of our worship time. Thanks to Tom Kerley, who led worship on his guitar and brought some of his own sound equipment, and Pat Norris who stepped up to the plate on Sunday morning and rocked the congas.

Thanks also go to Becca Thiele, who is a college freshman at Johnson Bible College and serves as our Children's Ministry Intern. She is serving because she comes from a church plant in Charlotte, she loves kids, and she is excited about gaining ministry experience. We are blessed to have her with us for this semester. Other children's ministry thanks goes to Sue Irving, Emily's mom, who is committed to doing what it takes to serve in our children's ministry and make it a safe place for kids to learn about God and be loved by caring adults. Karen Norris also assisted in the kids' area, and we thank her for her willingness to jump in and help with no notice!

Finally, we should thank Cris Patterson, who is part of the management team at Marli's, where we meet. She's part of our happy crew, and also is the one who locks up after us and arranged for us to meet at her place of employ. Leo Cooper, Jr., the owner of Marli's, is also a great guy, and he has given the OK for us to meet at his restaurant on Sundays out of the kindness of his heart.

There are other people who should be thanked, like Ken Garrison for being part of our offering counting team. Many of you also helped to clean up Marli's after we concluded our gathering. I don't even know who all of you were, but you know who you are. Thank you!

I'm sure I've missed someone, but I want to make an important point here. Our church is all about the Gospel and Jesus Christ. You're going to hear me say that so much it will seem to get old. That's fine by me. The Old Testament looks forward to Christ's coming to earth and crucifixion for our sins, and the New Testament explains His activities and looks forward to His return. The whole Bible is God's Word to us, and the most important message of all is how to be reconciled to God. And that can only happen through a relationship with Christ.

Our church is all about Christ, but the ministries of our church happen because of the humble hearts and devoted service of those whose lives are oriented around Jesus and work as part of our local church body, our team. It is a truly a team ministry!

For that reason, you will often read blog posts where I thank and encourage those who serve in our midst, those who serve those outside our midst, and those who make huge steps of faith and honor God in outstanding ways. Those folks are an inspiration to us all. The great thing is that many of you are those people! My prayer is that all of the folks that call The Ridge home will find their way onto the blog, because we are all seeking to honor God with our entire being.

Until next time...

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