Saturday, May 23, 2009

No Worship Gathering This Weekend...

Hey, everybody! Just wanted to remind you that we're not having a worship gathering this weekend. Emily and I are about to leave to go to Charlotte for a wedding today... It's a young man who I had the privilege to lead to Christ several years ago. It's very exciting for us to be part of it and see old friends!

It just so happens that it's also Memorial Day Weekend, so we made the decision to hold off on a worship gathering this week. That way, folks can travel, hang out, or visit another place of worship if they like. Enjoy your time! We'll be back at the same bat channel and same bat time next week, May 31, at 10 a.m. at Panache.

By the way, feel free to pray for the young man and his new wife. They are Hugo Muraco and Emily (Newton) Muraco. Thanks!

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