Monday, August 25, 2008

One way to make friends in your neighborhood

Emily and I have lived in our subdivision in Knoxville for almost 2 months. And we've been struggling pretty much that whole time with figuring out some good ways to meet the neighbors immediately around us. It seems that no matter where you live, people are just very busy these days, and also very private about their home lives. It's not as easy as it used to be to meet your neighbors.

We want to make some friends, and also just establish ourselves as kind and positive additions to our community. We want to do this just as "regular" people, not as a pastor and his wife or church planters. We don't want to have any agenda when meeting our neighbors right now, although in the future we hope to have the opportunity to talk with them about God.

Well, Emily had an idea that turned out to be great! She baked about 100 chocolate chip cookies (of course, I got some!) and then wrapped them up in six different packages. Then, she made a greeting card with our name, address and phone number on it for each package. From there, we just went door-to-door and gave the cookie packages and cards to our neighbors! It's kind of like a reverse housewarming gift... And it worked!

Last night, we finished giving the cookie packages to the neighbors who weren't at home on Saturday. When we went outside again several hours later to take a walk around the neighborhood, our neighbor across the street stopped us and told him how much the gift meant to him. He is a widower and lonely. He probably bent our ear for 15 or 20 minutes, telling us about his situation. It's sad that he's lonely, but the good thing is that he knows we care. It was an awesome interaction, because at the end he perked up and told us if we ever needed anything we should just ask. A great connection was made!

We also met a neighbor who just had a baby in March, and a guy with a teenage daughter. There are all kinds of ages in our neighborhood, and now we actually have exchanged names with them.

Finally, we gave some cookies to a neighbor who lost his father last week. This guy's father happens to be an old family friend of Emily's parents, and by happenstance he lives in our subdivision. When we walked up to him, he was actually going through some of his father's stuff. He was visibly upset, but the cookies put a smile on his face, at least for a little bit. We had the opportunity to talk to him about his father and show we care.

So, if you're wondering about how to meet those neighbors and start representing Christ to them (after all, every church planter should be a good neighbor first!) may I suggest chocolate chip cookies? You may be surprised at how well they break down barriers!


Melissa said...

Wow. That's great. Keep going!


Kevin said...

Thanks John!