Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Little Girl is Here!

Yep! This morning at 10:29 am, Chloe Fionna Layne was born at Ft. Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee. We thank God for her! She is and will always be a blessing to us.

Chloe weighs 6.0 pounds and is 19 1/4 inches long. She's got all her fingers and toes... Mother and baby are doing just fine.

We were also blessed to have Emily's parents, Bill and Sue, along with Emily's aunt Rosie come and stay the day with us. They live here in Knoxville and are a wonderful support to us.

My parents, Roy and Frances, also came to see us. They drove in from Chilhowie, Virginia and spent most of the day before driving home. I'm sure Chloe will see a lot of all her grandparents!

Here is a link to video I think you'll like, it's on Google Video and can be downloaded there... (Sorry the video disappeared earlier.) Links to pics are in the next blog post.


nobody said...

Guys, we are thrilled for you. From the video, Chloe looks a lot like Isobel. I hope they will grow up to be great friends. I can't put into words how happy I am...this is an answered prayer.

Alicia said...

I couldn't view the video, but I saw some pics of Chloe on FB. She is just precious and beautiful! I can't get over all that hair! She is a very healthy size too. My daughter was 5lbs. 14oz. and 17.5 inches and just fine. Congratulations!!!

Kevin said...

Thanks guys... We appreciate the prayers and congratulations very much!