Thursday, February 19, 2009

Last Sunday and This Sunday at The Ridge!

Two Sundays ago, at our last Ridge Church gathering, we talked about Colossians chapter 1 and the fact that the Gospel is a living thing. Living things grow and bear fruit. We talked about how the Gospel changes everything about a person, from the heart out. If you have a relationship with Christ, you are adopted into God's family. Because of that, everything is new--based purely on that relationship with God through faith in Christ.

As an object lesson about the Gospel and growth, I gave everyone at our gathering a plastic cup, some cotton balls, and some green bean seeds. The idea was to put damp cotton balls in the cup, put the seeds on the cotton balls, and then keep the cotton moist so that the seeds can grow.

When we look at the seeds growing in our cups, we are reminded that having Christ in our lives should lead to spiritual, social, emotional, and pretty much every other kind of growth. Being a Christ follower means that we can expect to experience spiritual maturity and our lives should "bear fruit"--others should be drawn to Jesus by the things we say and do.

I asked anyone who wanted to take a pic of their beans to send them to me, and I would post them here for others... Here's a couple from Ken Garrison (Thanks Ken!):

Seeds soon after "planting" them in the cotton balls.

Seeds really growing after about a week... Ken looks like he's got a serious green thumb!

See you Sunday at 10 a.m. at Marli's in Fountain City! Bring a friend and introduce them to all the great folks that are part of The Ridge!

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