Friday, February 13, 2009

Recap from Last Sunday!

Last Sunday (or "this past Sunday"...) we had another great Ridge Church worship gathering. God has blessed us in so many ways! We have been having a great time getting to know each other as a group of believers and people exploring Jesus over the past 6 months as The Ridge moves toward having weekly Sunday morning gatherings.

Being a church isn't just about having formatted services on every Sunday morning. We believe that the local church should be a healthy community of God-followers and a welcoming, Christ-glorifying place to include and involve others.

God has been great to us recently! This Sunday, our worship team used our "new" sound system for the first time; we bought it for a great price from a guy in Bean Station (incidentally one of Tennessee's earliest settled places) who had used it in a church singing group. Gotta love Craigslist! Our worship team enjoyed having a good system to use as they led us on Sunday.

Another local church, Knox Life Church, has blessed us with some other equipment needs! Knox Life is a church that reaches out to the folks who live and work downtown in our fair city. They used to meet in the Regal Riviera Theater in the heart of downtown on Gay Street but have moved to the Old City and started a coffee shop called Remedy. Knox Life gave us the use of their multimedia projector. What a great gesture of sharing with another church! Our style of ministry is different than Knox Life's, but that's OK! We're all on the same team.

We haven't used the Knox Life projector yet, but it will make its debut soon one Sunday at Marli's. We also are the happy recipients of some of those cool squishy puzzle-piece floor things in our children's ministry area for our kids to sit on during our gatherings. Those were also a gift from Knox Life! Thanks so much!

So, God has been really providing for our fellowship's needs. Our goal has always been to honor God with good stewardship of the Ridge Church finances. Instead of spending a ton of God's money on new and fancy stuff, we can direct more of God's funds to church planting, missions, and helping those who need it in our town. It's also a great picture of the Kingdom when one church can help build up another by sharing gently used things that they no longer need. After all, it's all God's stuff, and we share a common mission--spreading the Good News of Jesus!

Emily and I are headed to visit our friends Trey and Kitten (and thier kids!) and Discovery Church in Evansville, Indiana this week. Discovery is one of the churches that has been financially supporting The Ridge. We are excited about seeing them, and also hope that one day they will be able to come to Knox Vegas to meet you all!

Prayers for safety are appreciated...

By the way, if you're interested in being part of the Children's Ministry Volunteer Interest Meeting at Marli's this Tuesday evening, email Emily and make plans to join in. She'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy these pics from last Sunday!

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