Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm an Acts29 Candidate

Well, it's time I shared the name of the church planting network that I've been applying to be part of for several months. After an assessment by three of the network's church planters in Asheville, North Carolina in early June, I have been invited to become a candidate for membership in the Acts29 Network!

Here's a quick rundown of what the Acts29 Network is all about from the Network Director, Scott Thomas:

"Acts 29 Network exists to start churches that plant churches. God is significantly using our network to influence and shape the church planting culture through both rock-solid theology and contextualizing the gospel. We will not waver on either of these commitments. We won’t water down our theology to reach more people and we won’t attack the culture in the name of Christianity. We are planting churches that are missionaries in their respective communities sent by Christ with the gospel (John 20:21). It is our desire to plant 1,000 new churches in the next 20 years. We desire to make your dream of planting a gospel-driven church come true. We count it an honor to partner with you and to serve you."

I guess Emily put it best when she called Acts29 a sort of church-planting fraternity. That's probably not a perfect analogy, since I don't plant to return to a "college-style" way of life, but if a fraternity is a brotherhood of like-minded guys, then you can call Acts29 that!

Acts29 is all about church planting, and all about elevating who God is and the Word of God-the Bible. It's an honor to be a candidate.

Emily and I have some conditions we must meet, like working out a vision for how ministry and family interact (since the family part is new to us) and gathering a core group of people who are committed to the new church. However, these are normal things and our light is green.

We're excited about being part of a group of guys and wives who love God in a big way and are committed to spreading the Gospel of Christ around the world!


@AAI said...

Congratulations and welcome! I hope we are able to serve you well as a Network and that you are encouraged in your calling and the incredibly hard work that accompanies the church planter's call...


Kevin said...

Thanks Adriel! Cool website! I'm passing it on to my wife. :)